Wonder how Part 107 might make it easier than the current system of 333 Exemptions to get your commercial drone authorization? DRONELIFE has created an infographic to highlight the basics. Need more information? Check out our posts on Part 107 basics, and this guest post from our friends at Skyward on whether you should wait for Part 107 to be released, or apply for a … [Read more...] about Section 333 vs. Part 107: An Infographic
Featured - FAA and Regulations
Why CA is the Worst State for Drones
Commentary. Lawmakers in CA seem to be doing their best to kill the booming drone industry, making CA the worst state for drones in the country. When the 2016 FAA Reauthorization package was under discussion in the Senate last month, one of the most vocal naysayers was CA Senator Dianne Feinstein, who took the argument that states should have the right to form their own … [Read more...] about Why CA is the Worst State for Drones
Commercial Drone Operations: Wait for Part 107 or Get a 333?
Sponsored post by Marcos Osorno, CTO of Skyward— Launching a commercial operation in a new (and highly regulated) market requires calculated choices about business goals, the regulatory environment, the competitive landscape, and timing. For the past four years, the FAA has required commercial drone operators in the United States to have a 333 Exemption. This has been a … [Read more...] about Commercial Drone Operations: Wait for Part 107 or Get a 333?
FAA Reauthorization Passes Senate: What’s Inside for Drone Industry?
The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation has at long last approved the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2016, including several amendments related to the drone industry, sending the bill back to the House of Representatives where a more controversial bill - the AIRR Act - failed earlier this year. The package has not gone through without a struggle. The … [Read more...] about FAA Reauthorization Passes Senate: What’s Inside for Drone Industry?
FAA Reauthorization: US Drone Industry Latest Victim of Politics
Commentary. The US Drone Industry seems fated to be a victim of politics. The FAA Reauthorization package currently in the Senate will wait until Monday afternoon while our elected politicians take another long weekend, and the drone industry around the rest of the world gets on with business. Drone news across the globe this week sported headlines about drone delivery … [Read more...] about FAA Reauthorization: US Drone Industry Latest Victim of Politics