There’s a new drone startup making waves in the world of crowdfunding, and this time, it looks like speed is the top priority. California-based Tanky Drone has launched a crowdfunding campaign to bring its FPV racer to the wider public, which comes ready to fly and has, in testing at least, hit speeds in excess of 100 mph.

Aside from sheer speed, there are a few nice touches that make Tanky an appealing prospect for newcomers to the drone racing scene. The first, strangely, is its shape. Because of its X-shaped frame, slim arms, and centralized mass, Tanky hits peak aerodynamic efficiency when it’s pitched forward and flying at extreme speeds .
Second, Tanky’s core components are protected by a composite thermoplastic skin. Crashes are inevitable, and as well as acting as a barrier, the skin can come in various colors to at least make it possible to look good while doing so. Weighing in at 281 grams minus the battery, Tanky’s performance is responsive, nimble, and most importantly, fast.
Though the speed might sound frighteningly professional, the drone has been designed from the ground up to attract newcomers to a sport that can be daunting at first. It comes ready to fly, offering an attractive alternative to pilots more keen on getting behind the controls than DIY.
“While the FPV drone-racing scene is dominated by custom-built race crafts, it should not have to,” said lead designer Bogdan Ryabyshchuk. “Motorsports drivers do not build their own vehicles to compete in races, so those interested in getting into FPV flying and racing, who do not have the time and know-how, should not have to either.”

Tanky Drone launched its campaign on Kickstarter last week, setting out to raise $225,000 to finish development and produce its first batch of FPV racers. Speaking exclusively with DroneLife, Tanky designer and co-founder Yuki To gave us more detail on the inspiration behind the project, the power of crowdfunding, and what makes Tanky a decent investment for drone enthusiasts.
So first up, how did all of this come about? Yuki explained that, back in 2014, her and Bogdan had moved from San Diego to an off-grid house in Southern California’s High Desert. The road to the new house, literally and figuratively, meant that high-speed bikes and a Corvette had to make way for something more practical. “Naturally”, she said, “we needed a replacement hobby, so we got into FPV flying”.

With plenty of practice under their belts in rugged terrain that is as demanding as it is dangerous, the two began designing the concept of a drone with a detachable head and a tiltable FPV camera. It also needed to be able to take a hit. “You know how it is,” said Yuki. “You get preoccupied with something and keep polishing it until something really cool emerges. Then finally we had the drone we always wanted: Fast, sleek, wire and clutter free, and damn fast. We 3D printed all the parts for Tanky on Shapeways, because they can 3D print out of nylon, which makes the prints incredibly tough by comparison with normal consumer 3D printers.”

Although bulk orders will require a slightly different technique than the original prototypes. “To make Tanky a reality, we want to make injection molded parts, which means huge upfront costs. So we decided to try doing a Kickstarter to raise the money.”
Clearly, a key part of this drone’s appeal is that it can be flown straight out of the box, and avoids some of the technical skills required in putting together your own custom racer. But there’s more to it than that. “We didn’t just want to make a Ready-to-Fly drone, we wanted to make an RTF drone that even the pro racers would love to fly,” said Yuki.
“Tanky is a race drone, but with a lot of creature comforts, such as On Screen Display, an external camera tuning port, a tiltable camera, and an elegant design. An elegant design doesn’t make it faster, but it matters. The main difference, however, is SPEED. Tanky is really fast. It will easily keep up with any custom-built race drone. So, with our drone you can go to any racetrack with confidence that the only limiting factor is your own piloting skill. Maybe that’s a downside of Tanky as well – there’s no option to blame the equipment.”
So why crowdfunding? So many startups see it as a great way to break into the market and make a name for themselves. Is it the same with Tanky? “We are looking to crowdfund primarily to help with startup costs,” Yuki explained. “We already developed most of the electronics for Tanky and the mechanical design is done. Generally speaking, if it wasn’t for the injection molded parts, we could just start production and make Tanky right away. The marketing aspect of crowdfunding would help, for sure, but people really like Tanky, and we believe if we were to just start selling it today, it would be very successful. But we do need help with some of the upfront costs, to make Tanky really special.”
If you want to find out more about Tanky, support the campaign or pre-order your own FPV racer, visit the Tanky Kickstarter page today. The complete Ready-to-Fly kit, including a carrying case, is available to backers now for under $500 and is expected to be shipped later this year.
The campaign has got off to a positive start – good luck guys!
Malek Murison is a freelance writer and editor with a passion for tech trends and innovation. He handles product reviews, major releases and keeps an eye on the enthusiast market for DroneLife.
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I would like to order a complete set of drone contol pad and headgear. How much? Tanx
I’M NEW TO DRONE FLYING AND RACING SO I’m not sure who to believe in the printed reviews. However I would think you’d have to fly one first before making a comment. I would not buy a car that I haven’t driven, but maybe some of you might do that. Anyway could someone that has flown a RACING quad tell me which products are good, spending around 300 to no more than 500. THAX…T
not for that price 275 with no motors or escs. good luck with that. people will buy quavs of cheaper better carbon frames.
This will not work. its to overpriced and probably uses cheap china parts anyway what we can go purchase our self.
if this does make it, it will be clomed and easily build for 50 to 100.
these guys want to sell you a crash pack that has no motors or escs for 275!! mate i can go get custom built frame and case for 50 easily.
no motors or escs for 275 so whats people buying? A frame and a case? if parts cost that much no 1 wiol even consider the hole package.
these guys want you to drop a grand on 200 quid kit.
See threw this guys another con and you know what the worst part is? criwdfunded, so there going to take your 275, 500, build it for 100 with 50quid tx and make 600 profit but they wouldnt be able to even build it with out your money.
fk them id pull there crowd funding straight down for trying to take advantage.
Sorry idc what board in there or electrics. i can build it or better for 80 to 100 and buy a tx for 50 job done.
All these people think about is ripping the newcommers off then making them pay outragous prices for spare parts that are made to break.
this is made to break and need to be alloy or carbon tye 275 pack should have motors escs, fc every thing like the bind and fly.
Disgusting if you really think about it and they deserve no crowd fund or recognition.
people ike this need to be put out of business real quick. its effecting the sport as a hole.
Can you please calm down a little? You are buying a quality frame, which in the DIY world costs around 100/120 €, alright? Then you can get an FC for 35/40, a battery for 25, a TX for 30, a VTX and camera for about 70 combined and then you still need a PDB, antenna and voltage regulators if you need them. This translates to around 280/300 €, which is what they ask for it. I’m sceptical about the speed of this thing, and I agree that DIY can turn out cheaper, but please, they are delivering a product that appeals to people just wanting to fly something fast FPV. As for the other packages that they deliver, the TBS TANGO is 260 € in store, and the motors they come with are 2305 2600kv and 30A ESC. Sounds like an attractive package to me, especially the fact that it is RTF and built for you, which to me is worth an extra 50 €. They deliver, and at least they’re one of the few companies out there trying out with new ideas and RTF quads, which could attract new people to the scene. Please do the research before commenting such an angry and offensive comment. They are investing their own money in researching a product like this, and you react with “I want to take their Kickstarter campaign right down”. I understand that DIY is cheaper, but for some people, the research and building itself is just not worth it. They just want to fly, and most people have some bucks to spare for paying more for a good RTF Quad. Take for example building a PC. Building a PC yourself can be daunting, but when done right and after a lot of research, you can build yourself a nice PC for a lot less money. What if you want a quality product that is clean and simple, and you’re willing to pay more for that? (Think MacBook Pro here) There’s that, and at least they’re experimenting with new things.
Rip off. Plain and simple