DJI emailed customers today informing them that the price cuts for the Phantom Standard has been extended and that the price for the Phantom 3 Pro has been slashed to $999. The question that begs asking is: If the Phantom 3 cost is cut, can the Phantom 4 release be far behind? Probably not. We agree with our colleagues at RCDroneArena on that.
This price cut reinforces rumors that the DJI Phantom 4 is coming soon – soon as in maybe the first week of March.
DJI is not sitting still.They are forming alliances (Hasselblad, FLIR), opening their platform with SDK, and entering commercial markets. Therefore, we expect the Phantom 4 to have a feature set that will grab attention. This might include sense and avoidance technology, a 360 camera with better than 4K resolution, longer battery life, an advance gimbal or all of the above.
View the review of the Phantom 3 here.
and here is a promo video DJI released several months ago on the Phatom X to whet appetites.
Frank Schroth is editor in chief of DroneLife, the authoritative source for news and analysis on the drone industry: it’s people, products, trends, and events.
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p3 pro price slashed???that article was dated feb. /16 how about some up to date news folks?