In May, the FAA asked for public input on requests for waivers to fly Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS.) Phoenix Air Unmanned, uAvionix, Zipline, and UPS Flight Forward all applied for waivers: today, FAA announced that Pheonix Air Unmanned has been granted authorization to operate BVLOS for "aerial work, aerial photography, survey and powerline and pipeline patrol and … [Read more...] about FAA Grants Phoenix Air Unmanned Waiver for BVLOS Flight with Swiss Drones Uncrewed Helicopter
Clock Ticking on FAA Administrator: Still No Permanent Pick
As a recent article in Politico highlighted, the clock is ticking on the current Acting Administrator of the FAA. FAA Acting Administrator Polly Trottenberg, the Deputy Administrator of the Department of Transportation, is limited by law to a term of no more than 210 days. This term will expire on October 25, 2023: at which time internal emails indicate that Deputy … [Read more...] about Clock Ticking on FAA Administrator: Still No Permanent Pick
FAA Updates Fact Sheet on State and Local Drone Regulations
FAA Updates Fact Sheet on State and Local Drone Regulation Continue reading below, or listen: DroneLife · FAA - Issues - New - Fact - Sheet - On - State - And - Local - Drone - Regulations Since before the passage of Part 107 in 2016, regularizing commercial drone use in the United States, state and local laws - sometimes in conflict with FAA regulations - have developed. … [Read more...] about FAA Updates Fact Sheet on State and Local Drone Regulations
The Top Ranked State for Drones May Surprise You: the Mercatus Center 2023 Scorecard
While the FAA has authorized pilot programs for companies like Amazon, UPS, and USPS, all of whom are fighting for a portion of the estimated $30 billion home delivery market, the US commercial drone space is still years away from broad regulatory and consumer acceptance across the United States. Adding to the regulatory confusion is the problem of FAA preemption, and the rapid … [Read more...] about The Top Ranked State for Drones May Surprise You: the Mercatus Center 2023 Scorecard
Drones in Agriculture: Part 137 and Leveraging Spraying Drones
As the Drone Nerds' ElevateUAV Summit kicked off in Miami this morning, the Keynote speech highlighted fastest growing verticals in the commercial drone industry. Among these is agriculture: a leading vertical since the industry launched. Since 2016 and the implementation of Part 107, precision agriculture in the U.S. has improved and grown steadily. New sensors, new … [Read more...] about Drones in Agriculture: Part 137 and Leveraging Spraying Drones