Interesting Podcast where Ian Smith of Commercial Drones speaks with Joshua Resnick the CEO of Parallel Flight Technology. Parallel Flight Technology is a start-up building a hybrid drone with the capacity to lift relatively heavy payloads for long periods. As an example, on the high end they discuss that a 75 lbs. drone should be able to life about 75 lbs. Or that same … [Read more...] about Podcast: Start-up Parallel Flight Technology on Lifting Heavy Things with Drones
DELTA Podcast Featuring Inertial Sense: Miniature GPS components for Motion Tracking on Drones
Just out is the latest in the DELTA Podcast Series by FLIR. In this episode Randall Warnas meets up with Brian Cahoon, CEO of Inertial Sense. Inertial Sense makes miniature GPS-Ins components that provide motion tracking sensors for drones. It is hosted on Soundcloud. Also, hear him answer the question "Do you think we will have fully autonomous drones in 5 … [Read more...] about DELTA Podcast Featuring Inertial Sense: Miniature GPS components for Motion Tracking on Drones
CompTIA and AUVSI Want You! To Tell Them What you Think about the Drone Industry
Two leading tech industry associations, CompTIA and AUVSI, what to hear what you think about the drone industry. The two associations have joined together to launch a survey of the drone industry, designed to help drone vendors, service providers, and operators understand where the market is - and what it needs now. Whether you are a customer or a supplier in the drone … [Read more...] about CompTIA and AUVSI Want You! To Tell Them What you Think about the Drone Industry
Three Forces That Shaped the Drone Industry in 2018
Guest post by leading drone industry analyst Colin Snow of Skylogic Research. This was a big year for the commercial drone industry as a whole. It saw a significant increase in the business adoption, the expansion of the FAA’s LAANC program (the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability that provides access to controlled airspace near airports), the launch of … [Read more...] about Three Forces That Shaped the Drone Industry in 2018
What Drones Could Learn from the Problems with Driver less Cars?
At first glance, drones and driver less cars are not like each other. But the latest iterations of both use advanced AI and machine based learning and are designed to reduce the need or awareness of manned pilots. Let's look at cars first, for example, my wife and her parents both purchased new cars with some AI features build in that use sensors that are located in … [Read more...] about What Drones Could Learn from the Problems with Driver less Cars?