Drone research reports vary in accuracy, but they do serve to indicate significant trends. Research reports published recently by Research and Markets estimate Europe’s Defense and Security Drone Market at $1.66 Billion in 2018, with a healthy expected growth rate of almost 10% over the next 7 years.
The report says that the European market for defense and security drones is now the third largest in the world. Defense drones – which include subsections Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Target Acquisition (ISRT), Battle Damage Management, Combat Operations, Delivery and Transportation, and Border Management, was one of the first markets for unmanned systems. Security and Emergency Services – which includes police investigation, traffic monitoring, disaster management, search and rescue, and more – is one of the fastest growing sectors currently.
One of the most interesting segments fo the report is the list of key players. Ranging in country of origin from the U.S., Israel, China, South Africa, and Europe, the list includes traditional defense contractors such as AeroVironment and those like Aeryon Labs, now owned by thermal imaging giant FLIR, with mixed military and industrial applications.
CEO DroneLife.com, DroneRacingLife.com, and CMO of Jobfordrones.com. Principle at Spalding Barker Strategies. Has enjoyed working with and around the commercial drone industry for the last 10 years. Attendance and speaker at Industry Events such as Commercial UAV, InterGeo, Interdrone and others. Proud father of two. Enjoys karate, Sherlock Holmes, and interesting things. Subscribe to all things drone at DroneLife here. Email is Harry@dronelife.com. Make Sure that you WhiteList us in your email to make sure you get our Newsletter. Editor1@dronelife.com.
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