Two leading tech industry associations, CompTIA and AUVSI, what to hear what you think about the drone industry.
The two associations have joined together to launch a survey of the drone industry, designed to help drone vendors, service providers, and operators understand where the market is – and what it needs now. Whether you are a customer or a supplier in the drone industry, you view is valuable. The results will be available to the public.
Click here to tell them what you really think – the more input they receive, the better the results of the survey, so please take some time to give your two cents.
CEO DroneLife.com, DroneRacingLife.com, and CMO of Jobfordrones.com. Principle at Spalding Barker Strategies. Has enjoyed working with and around the commercial drone industry for the last 10 years. Attendance and speaker at Industry Events such as Commercial UAV, InterGeo, Interdrone and others. Proud father of two. Enjoys karate, Sherlock Holmes, and interesting things. Subscribe to all things drone at DroneLife here. Email is Harry@dronelife.com. Make Sure that you WhiteList us in your email to make sure you get our Newsletter. Editor1@dronelife.com.
[…] hydrogen-powered drone flight test. The company will be showcasing its UAV power products at AUVSI Xponential in Chicago later this […]