In the 1994 classic film The Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman’s inmate character, Red, had a reputation as a man “known to locate certain things from time to time.” But Red limited his contraband ring to tame, comfort items for his incarcerated clientele – booze, “playing cards with nekkid ladies,” and even a rock hammer. In the real world, prison contraband can … [Read more...] about New Counter-drone Effort Will Tackle Prison Contraband Bandits
Report: Counter-drone Solutions Experience “Stratospheric” Increase
A new study by a drone think-tank reveals growth trends and cautionary challenges for the growing counter-drone industry. Bard College’s Center for the Study of the Drone released a 23-page report on Feb 20 that breaks down available counter-drone products and identifies various ways each solution approaches drone mitigation. Although most drones are piloted by qualified, … [Read more...] about Report: Counter-drone Solutions Experience “Stratospheric” Increase
Liteye, Tribalco Seal Counter-Drone Deal with U.S. Military
Liteye, a major counter-drone company, is partnering with Tribalco, a “mission-critical” IT/telecommunications service provider, to deliver the Anti-UAV Defense System (AUDS) to U.S. military agencies. Dubbed “the world’s first fully integrated detect-track-disrupt-defeat” drone defense system, AUDS took flight last year as a consortium that includes Liteye, Gryphon Sensors … [Read more...] about Liteye, Tribalco Seal Counter-Drone Deal with U.S. Military