While we have all heard about the devastation of the Amazon Rain Forest due to recent fires, this drone video originally published by The Guardian and the Reuters News Service shows the extent of the damage.
While experts say that the dry season is a time where forest fires are common, this year is unusually severe, with some putting the land area ablaze as having an 80% increase.
Recent G7 offers for 20 million dollars in aid were initially rebuffed by Brazil as a political ploy to gain influence over the region. Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro seems to walk that back today saying that he would accept the aid but demanded an apology from French President Macron for comments made earlier.
CEO DroneLife.com, DroneRacingLife.com, and CMO of Jobfordrones.com. Principle at Spalding Barker Strategies. Has enjoyed working with and around the commercial drone industry for the last 10 years. Attendance and speaker at Industry Events such as Commercial UAV, InterGeo, Interdrone and others. Proud father of two. Enjoys karate, Sherlock Holmes, and interesting things. Subscribe to all things drone at DroneLife here. Email is Harry@dronelife.com. Make Sure that you WhiteList us in your email to make sure you get our Newsletter. Editor1@dronelife.com.
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