AURA Network Systems on Dawn of Drones October 19!

AURA Network Systems on Dawn of Drones

Don’t miss AURA Network Systems on Dawn of Drones, Wednesday October 19 at 11:00 am EST.  Stream below:

Dawn of Drones | Episode 64: Bill Tolpegin, CEO, AURA Network Systems

This is the third week of “Industry Enablers” month, sponsored by TruWeather Solutions, featuring Grand Sky, and presented by DroneLife.

Dial in as Dawn and Bill Tolpegin, AURA CEO, discuss how AURA’s unique secure, private aviation network–with C2 and ATC voice capabilities–is enabling the future of uncrewed aircraft, including air cargo, airborne BVLOS inspections and urban air mobility!   AURA’s private network is founded on licensed aviation-grade spectrum and designed to meet FAA performance requirements. Learn how AURA is engaging with industry leaders, regulatory bodies and its partners to support fundamental mission-critical communications across a wide range of autonomous and traditional aviation applications.

A 30-year veteran of the telecommunications industry, Bill Tolpegin is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AURA, driving implementation of the company’s transformative mission to provide aviation and critical infrastructure sectors with a dedicated commercial communications network designed to exceed the gold standards of safety, security and reliability.

Known for his progressive leadership in Fortune 1000 companies and wireless operations, Bill utilized decades of experience in financial planning and analysis of entrepreneurial technology-based firms to develop AURA’s market proposition and business case, raising significant capital from some of the country’s most successful investors. In addition to his roles in starting and securing funding for several successful firms, he has also been intricately involved in some of the nation’s most significant spectrum repurposing efforts.

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