ANRA SIAOP Combines the Best of Counter Drone Technologies and UTM

Counter drone systems (cUAS) are designed to detect, identify and mitigate unauthorized drones.  Unmanned traffic management   (UTM) solutions are a framework of regulations and technology products that work to provide a system providing stakeholders with a view of airspace traffic that allows commercial operators to avoid collisions and cooperate in shared airspace.

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Now, ANRA SIAOP – which stands for “Single Integrated Airspace Operational Picture” – combines aspects of both technologies to offer a single, complete view of the airspace designed to help both operators and authorities.


At the recent Commercial UAV Expo in Las Vegas, DRONELIFE caught up with ANRA Founder and CEO Amit Ganjoo.

“UTM systems identify cooperative aircraft, those like commercial manned aircraft transmitting through ADS-B,” explains Ganjoo.  “Counter UAS systems help identify non-cooperative aircraft, utilizing ground-based sensors like radar or other sensors. SIAOP allows non-cooperative to coexist with cooperative traffic.”

ANRA SIAOP uses aspects of both UTM and cUAS technologies and creates a single, unified view of cooperative traffic – like commercial manned aircraft transmitting through ADS-B – and non-cooperative traffic, which must be identified through other means.   Gathering data from a wide variety of sources including ground-based radar, FLARM onboard traffic awareness and collision avoidance systems, ADS-B, and cooperative systems, SIAOP puts all of the data in one place.

The advantages go well beyond providing airspace understanding.  Short-range detect and avoid (DAA) systems may not give fast-moving drones time enough to execute an efficient collision-avoidance strategy that allows them to continue a mission safely.  SIAOP shows not only where the aircraft are in real time – but uses AI and machine learning algorithms to predict a flight plan, which allows drone operations systems enough time to execute an optimal avoidance strategy.

ANRA SIAOP has been deployed in Europe and the US for both commercial and defense applications.  For industry, SIAOP provides a critical tool for operating drone delivery, UAM, or other advanced applications at scale.  For defense, SIAOP allows stakeholders a more complete operational understanding of the airspace, enabling safer and informed decisions to manage threats.

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