European Drone Regulations: EASA Basic Regulation, and What’s Next

European drone regulations

Recently published European drone regulations provide operations- and risk-based rules for drone operations.  Here, former EASA Pincipal Advisor explains the European regulatory system: and gives an update on the new developments on the horizon.

Drone Life – Drones are Flying High in Europe!

European drone regulationsBy: Dawn M.K. Zoldi, Guest Contributor

European drones are flying high, as regulators continue to forge a viable path for integration. Yves Morier, former European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Principal Advisor for new technologies to the Flight Standard Director, provides an explanation of the European regulatory system and an update on the way ahead European drone regulations. After having served in the French military, Morier’s illustrious civilian career includes long stints at the French Civil Aviation Authority, the Joint Aviation Authorities in the Netherlands and at EASA, from which he retired in 2019.

According to Morier, EASA, created in 2002 by a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (Member States), provides a high uniform level of civil Aviation Safety in the European Union (EU) State aircraft and operations, similar to the U.S. “public aircraft,” are excluded from EASA’s regulation as are certain small low risk manned aircraft operations.  All civil drones, regardless of size, weight or use are covered by EASA regulations.

The EASA Basic Regulation (EU) 2018/ 1139 defines the roles and responsibilities of the EASA, European Commission (EC), the 27 EU Member States (plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) and the Agency as follows:

The Basic Regulation has been implemented through two regulations, below.

Regulation 2019/947 provides operations-centric and risk-based rules and procedures for drone operations. It defines three categories of UAS operations (open, specific and certified)  developed in parallel to the JARUS categories A, B and C, also covered previously in DroneLife here.

Open Category

In the open category, there is no operational approval but rather a set of limitations such as visual line of sight (VLOS), maximum height 400 ft, and maximum take-off mass below 55 lbs. The regulation included operations over people (OOP) and at night at its inception. The open category is subdivided in 3 sub-categories relevant to OOP noted below:

Specific Category 

The specific category covers all operations that are not in the open and certified categories. It requires risk-based operational authorization issued by the relevant Member State Authority. Examples include beyond visual line of sight and some drone delivery operations. The specific category is akin to obtaining Part 107 waivers in the U.S.

The accepted method of compliance used by Member States is the Specific Operation Risk Assessment (SORA) developed by the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking of Unmanned Systems (JARUS). It addresses ground and air risk and combines the two to create a Specific Assurance and Integrity Level (SAIL) between I and VI. A risk level of VII or above moves the operation into the higher certified category. The SORA also defines appropriate mitigation measures.

Morier, who was the Chairman of the JARUS from 2017 to 2019, elaborates, “To avoid systematic application of SORA, standard scenarios (low risk operations) have been defined, which allow for provision of a Declaration of Compliance instead of a formal authorization. Pre-Determined Risk Assessments (PDRA) have also been defined. If an operation meets these, an authorization is still necessary but should be obtained more easily. Authorizations in the specific category are valid in all EU Countries, but mitigation measures related to the geography and the weather may need to be checked.”

BVLOS is allowed in specific and certified categories, depending on the risk assessment.

Certified category

In the certified category, the drones are certified, the operators receive a certificate and the pilot has a license. This is most akin to manned aviation flights and how the U.S. applies Part 135 to on demand commercial deliveries. Certified operations have been classified in 3 types:

Regulation 2019/ 945 is the second implementing regulation for the Basic Regulation and describes how to obtain a class marking for the drone similar to how all other products in the EU are marked using the “CE Marking.” For drones, six classes, C0 to C, apply. C0 to C4 levels of compliance apply to the open category; C5 and C6 to the specific category inclusive of SORA standard scenarios 01 and 02. Morier explains, “This is not an airworthiness approval but there are some similarities such as technical requirements, applicable standards, and verification of conformity by an independent body.”

Drones in classes C1 and 2, C3 (unless tethered) and C5 and 6 must be equipped with remote identification (RID). The Reg defines RID as, “a system that ensures the local broadcast of information about an unmanned aircraft in operation, including the marking of the unmanned aircraft, so that this information can be obtained without physical access to the unmanned aircraft.” Regulation 2019/945 defines the requirement for the RID system and the requirement for the identification number (Standard ANSI/CTA-2063-A-2019).

This Regulation also includes the requirements when drones should be certified, as well as requirements for third countries operators of UAS. Americans visiting Europe with their drones basically have to comply with all these regulations except when the Commission recognizes third-party certificates for pilots and operators which provide the same level of safety as EU regulations. These third-party operators are overseen by the first Member State in which they plan to operate.

Stay tuned the following upcoming events anticipated in Europe:

For more information on European regulations and guidance, see:

Dawn M.K. Zoldi (Colonel, USAF, Retired) is a licensed attorney with 28 years of combined active duty military and federal civil service to the Department of the Air Force. She is an intIernationally recognized expert on unmanned aircraft system law and policy, a columnist for several magazines,recipient of the Woman to Watch in UAS (Leadership) Award 2019, President and CEO of UAS Colorado and the CEO of P3 Tech Consulting LLC. For more information, visit her website at:


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