Israeli drone provider Airobotics unveiled a new drone-based, stabilized payload for inspection and security applications at ADS’ 2019 Warrior Expo East.
Dubbed Trion, the solution is the company’s first developed sensor for the inspections/security sector.
Trion is a high-def, electro-optical and infrared, gyro-stabilized payload that weighs just a bit more than 2.5 pounds. A company statement notes the product “carries a unique set of advanced capabilities for object identification, real-time tracking and comprehensive data harvesting”
“At ADS, we actively seek out innovative, quality and cost-effective solutions for our customers,” said Ryan Angold, ADS’ Vice President of Markets. “Additionally, we believe that our partnership with Airobotics will greatly enhance the customer experience and provide a market-leading solution for critical security and inspection applications.”
“We look forward to having ADS as a strategic partner and are confident in the results we can achieve,” added Ran Krauss, CEO and Co-Founder at Airobotics. “We are pleased to offer Airobotics’ powerful and highly stabilized Trion payload to the broader market that will grant professionals with the ability to capture more accurate data for fast decision-making in the most demanding circumstances.”
Last month, Airobotics partnered with one of Japan’s largest non-life insurance companies to optimize the insurer’s drone-based inspection and disaster-management efforts.
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance will use the Airobotics platform to digitize multiple sites, enable detailed change detection, and optimize current workflows. TMNF became aware of the need for better disaster-data management following several devastating hurricanes and earthquakes over the past few years across Japan.
Last year, Airobotics received the FAA’s first ever three-prong certificate of waiver for “flying Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) for automated drone operations, over human beings, with a visual observer that is not required to keep a visual line of sight on the drone.”
The waiver will allow the company to operate drones from its Remote Operations Center in Scottsdale, Ariz. In September, Airobotics launched its North American headquarters in Scottsdale and will operate all North and South American operations from the facility. BHP, the world’s largest mining company, is Airobotics’ first customer in the U.S.
Jason is a longstanding contributor to DroneLife with an avid interest in all things tech. He focuses on anti-drone technologies and the public safety sector; police, fire, and search and rescue.
Beginning his career as a journalist in 1996, Jason has since written and edited thousands of engaging news articles, blog posts, press releases and online content.
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