New AUVSI Committee Dives Deep for Aquatic Drones

The world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of UAS systems is taking a deep dive to speak for maritime drone interests.

The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International announced the creation of the Unmanned Maritime Systems Advocacy Committee. The committee will identify and advance policy positions for the growing industry. Aquatic or marine drone development represents a new wave of robotics technology. Researchers use submersible and surface drones to survey marine life in a non-intrusive way while companies and defense agencie deploy them to explore shipping lanes, scout potential fishing areas or conduct security patrols.

“Unmanned maritime systems allow military and commercial operators alike to go farther and deeper than ever before,” said Brian Wynne, president and CEO of AUVSI. “The input provided by the UMS Advocacy Committee will help us speak with a unified voice and enable all our members to advocate for the growth of the industry.”

The committee will include:

AUVSI says the committee will focus on the following:

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