FAA and AUVSI Announce Registration Live for 3rd Annual FAA UAS Symposium

If you’ve ever wanted to speak to someone from the FAA face to face, here is your chance.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) have announced that registration is live for the 3rd annual FAA UAS Symposium.
The Symposium offers a unique opportunity for drone operators and interested members to interact directly with the FAA about drone regulations, and “participate in hands-on, collaborative discussions with the experts on the challenges you face today.”
“This year, the program will include breakout and workshop sessions that will cover today’s hot topics – including air traffic automation, remote identification and tracking, and expanded operations,” says the announcement.
While this year’s agenda is not yet finalized, last year’s event covered topics that ranged from “Airspace Authorizations” and “Cutting Through Red Tape” to “Cybersecurity.”
When: March 6 – 8, 2018
 Where: The Baltimore Convention Center
    One West Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Register at
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