Report: Government Drone Spending to Double by 2025

Courtesy: Fredericksburg Police Department

American government spending on drones is expected to more than double in eight years, according to an American market research firm.

A report released by Ohio-based Freedonia Group predicts spending will leap from $100 million to $250 million by 2025 with federal spending alone accounting for $170 million in new UAV tech purchases.

“The state and local government market for drones is expected to quadruple to $40 million in 2020, outperforming federal government demand, but remaining extremely modest in size,” Freedonia analysts state.

The group forecasts that drone companies will ship more than 9,000 units by 2025. The Defense Department is expected to ramp up drone spending at a moderate pace, the group says, “due to tight budgets and a shift in focus to smaller, less expensive vehicles.”

As drone technology gets cheaper, county and municipal governments have reported an uptick in drone investment as a means to save money over manned aerial projects. Police, fire, and rescue agencies have demonstrated numerous ways drones save lives in the field, while other agencies, such as solid-waste and bridge inspection departments are also reaping cost and time savings.

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