NASA Engineers to Hold Free Webinar on UAV Crash Management Technology

NASA Safe2DitchNASA’s Langley Research Center is offering a free informational webinar on its  autonomous crash management system for small UAVs that enables landing a malfunctioning unit to a safe and clear ditch site. The webinar will take place on July 25th @ 2PM (EDT).

The mission of the system, called Safe2Ditch, is emergency management to get the vehicle safely to the ground in the event of an unexpected critical flight issue.For example, a drone delivery flight that loses battery power before reaching desitnation.

Safe2Ditch uses intelligent algorithms, knowledge of the local area, the remaining control authority and battery life to select the safest landing location for a crippled UAV and steer it to the ground. The system helps minimize the risk of UAVs to people and property. This mission is performed autonomously, without any assistance from a safety pilot or ground station and all while residing on a small processor onboard.

During this free webinar, lead inventors Patricia Glaab and Louis Glaab will discuss this technology and its potential uses, followed by an open Q&A session.

You can register for the session and learn more about it here.

Following is a brief NASA video in which Mr. Glaab discusses the Safe2Ditch technology.


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