Unless you have spent literally all day up to this moment avoiding your computer, you know today is Star Wars Day.
In honor of this future federal holiday, everyone is hashtagging “#Maythe4thBeWithYou” when, due to the upcoming seventh film set in the most profitable galaxy outside the Milky Way, everyone should be hashtagging #”The4thAwakens”.
Instead of pointing this out, I am going to share with you all the videos of Star Wars vehicles that have been turned into UAVs, most of which are courtesy of YouTuber and drone Jedi, Olivier C.
The Millenium Falcon:
The TIE Interceptor:
The Snow Speeder:
The Speeder Bike:
The Star Destroyer:
Alan is serial entrepreneur, active angel investor, and a drone enthusiast. He co-founded DRONELIFE.com to address the emerging commercial market for drones and drone technology. Prior to DRONELIFE.com, Alan co-founded Where.com, ThinkingScreen Media, and Nurse.com. Recently, Alan has co-founded Crowditz.com, a leader in Equity Crowdfunding Data, Analytics, and Insights. Alan can be reached at alan(at)dronelife.com
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