Skydio’s ASCEND, September 20: What Will the Next Evolution Look Like?

Skydio Ascend, Skydio user conference, Skydio eventSkydio ASCEND Conference: Anticipation Builds for Exclusive Unveiling of Enterprise Drone Solutions

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The Skydio ASCEND 2023 Conference, set to take place on September 20, 2023 within the serene Presidio National Park in San Francisco, CA, promises a significant reveal about Skydio’s newest products and direction. Skydio is holding the content of the event under strict embargo, and the invitation-only event is generating major interest (request an invitation, or a link to hear the live keynote here.)  The conference follows the announcement of Skydio’s strategic shift in focus towards the enterprise and government markets, discontinuing its consumer drone line.

Renowned for features like autonomous cinematography and obstacle avoidance, Skydio’s pivot towards enterprise solutions spurs curiosity about the specific solutions they will introduce September 20. The event may provide insights into the direction Skydio will take with their ground-breaking autonomy platform: the teaser “Brain Meets Brawn” indicates that the newest addition to Skydio’s portfolio may be in the industrial or tactical sector.  As one of the earliest US drone manufacturers to be included on the Blue sUAS list of platforms approved for use by DoD and other U.S. government agencies, Skydio now claims integration within every branch of the U.S. Department of Defense, over half of the U.S. State Departments of Transportation, and more than 200 public safety agencies across 47 states.

Skydio’s drone-in-a-box solution, the Skydio Dock, is also rapidly gaining ground as the FAA issues more waivers for flight beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) and remote operations.  NC DOT is the latest to announce FAA permissions to use the Skydio Dock to remotely inspect transportation infrastructure construction sites.

In addition to Founder and CEO Adam Bry’s keynote, the conference promises an immersive experience and includes hands-on flying events and industry-focused breakout sessions.

From advancements in autonomous flight capabilities to initiatives promoting industry-wide diversity, the ASCEND Conference promises an exclusive glimpse into Skydio’s evolving role within the ever-evolving drone technology landscape.  Request an invitation, or register to hear the live keynote here.

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