Women in Advanced Air Mobility: Building a New Industry

women in advanced air mobility

women in advanced air mobilityDon’t Miss: Women in Advanced Air Mobility, May 20th, 2021

It’s no secret that women are under-represented in the aerospace industry: but the drone industry has a lot to offer women interested in a professional career.  “Now, Wisk Aero, Women and Drones, and the Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium in collaboration with 20 other organizations, are hosting an online conversation around how to build the most inclusive, responsible, and successful Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) industry possible,” says the event poster.

Women in Advanced Air Mobility: Big ideas to build a new industry will take place May 20th, 2021 | 9:00AM – 10:30AM PDT / 12:00PM – 1:30 EDT.  Register here to participate.

Inclusivity is important in any industry – diversity means success.  This event will feature men and women from other aerospace sectors and is appropriate for organizations striving to balance their workforce and women interested in entering the AAM space.

Given the lessons learned from aviation, we can build equity and diversity into the foundation of the new Advanced Air Mobility industry, creating a more profitable, sustainable and equitable industry. This event will start off with a keynote fireside chat, followed by breakout conversations on four important topics hosted by industry leaders who believe in this work.

Speaker Information:

Fireside Chat

Keynote Speakers: Anna Kominik (LinkedIn) and Sharon Rossmark (LinkedIn)

Breakout Discussions

Careers in AAM


Bringing People to the Table

Lessons from Aviation

Inclusive is profitable

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