Drone Advisory Committee: Senate Bill Would Require Greater Transparency, Representation

drone advisory committeeA Senate Bill, now on the President’s desk, would require changes in the membership composition of the influential Drone Advisory Committee (DAC).   The Drone Advisory Committee was established to provide “independent advice and recommendations” to the U.S. Dept. of Transportation and FAA on drone regulations, according to the DAC charter.

S.2730 is titled “Drone Advisory Committee for the 21st Century Act.”   The Summary of the proposal is simple:

This bill requires the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to take appropriate steps to encourage direct representation of county and tribal governments, as well as agriculture, forestry, rangeland sectors, and other rural interests on the Drone Advisory Committee.

The FAA must include public participation in the process of nominating individuals for membership on the committee.

The Drone Advisory Committee bill, introduced more than a year ago,  is sponsored by Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) and  co-sponsored by Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS).

New Members

The current membership is led by former CEO and Advisory Board Chair at Precision Hawk, Michael Chasen.  The committee includes members of the drone industry including software and hardware solution providers, pilots, local government representatives, and emergency services stakeholders.  Earlier this year, the FAA asked for applications for new membership: the 75 eligible applications received before August 18, 2020, will be considered for vacant positions.   (See full list of current members below.)

If signed by the President, S.2730 may influence the choices of new members – and the way that they are made.


The DAC was a major move towards the public and private collaboration on drone integration. Since then, the DAC has done a lot of hard work in making recommendations for regulations, but has occasionally been criticized for operating without full transparency and leaning to heavily on stakeholders from the drone industry.  (DAC meetings are open to the public, indivual task groups work together and then report their findings to the group at the public meetings.  Videos of the last two meetings, held virtually, are available online: meeting minutes of all other meetings are also available.)

It’s unclear how the FAA might include the public in the process of nominating members to the DAC, but S. 2730 does make the “Sense of Congress” on the issue of greater public participation clear:

(2) Full transparency in the work of the Drone Advisory Committee is vital to ensuring the public can effectively participate and contribute to the development of sound Federal policies. The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration should, to the maximum extent practicable, ensure the work of the Drone Advisory Committee is shared with and easily accessible to the public and shall ensure transparency and openness in the manner in which the affairs of the Committee are conducted.

Current Membership


Michael Chasen, Chairman of the Advisory Board, PrecisionHawk USA, Inc.

Designated Federal Officer

Arjun Garg, Acting Deputy Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration

Airports and Airport Communities

Labor (controllers, pilots)

Local Government

Navigation, Communication, Surveillance, and Air Traffic Management Capability Providers

Research, Development, and Academia

Traditional Manned Aviation Operators

UAS Hardware Component Manufacturers

UAS Manufacturers

UAS Operators

UAS Software Application Manufacturers


Stakeholder Group


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