Holiday Drone Drop: Kids First Initiative Delivers Presents by Drone! [VIDEO]

Want a feel good drone story for the holidays?  Check out these videos below – while the delivery went simply from the sidewalk to the front yard, kids receiving stockings by drone got a dual gift: the excitement of a holiday present and exposure to new technology.

The Auburn-Hills, MI-based Kids First Initiative is focused not only on the immediate health and well-being of kids in need, but in improving their future through exposure to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education. “What would the world look like if we provided our kids with the tools to not only think outside the box but totally recreate the box!” says Kids First.

Kids First Initiative President and CEO Richard Bell is committed to providing kids with the exposure they need to get excited about science and technology, providing STEAM events and demonstrations.

“Our young people cannot be what they cannot see. The Kids First Initiative Career Pathways Program concerns itself with not only education, but both the training and wages associated with an occupation that will allow our students to live the best life possible,” says Kids First Initiative. “What makes our program unique is that Kids First is in constant search for hands-on opportunities in various career fields. Whether it be electrical engineering or forensic pathology, our goal at KFI is to not only make them aware of job shadowing/internship opportunities, but to connect the interested student with a potential employer as well.”

Check out the videos below!

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