AMA Releases Statement on Drone Flying Near Commercial Aircraft

The AMA has released a statement strongly condemning the drone operator who allegedly flew over a passenger jet landing at McCarren International Airport in Las Vegas.

The FAA is investigating the incident, which hit the news after the video below was posted online.  The drone operator has not yet been identified, but could face stiff penalties for deliberately flying in restricted airspace.

Representing thousands of recreational drone operators committed to flying legally and within the guidelines of a community-based organization, as required by FAA regulations, the AMA spoke out against the action.

“No one should be flying in a careless and reckless manner and – importantly – all drone and model aircraft pilots must stay well clear of manned aircraft. We condemn the type of operation depicted in this video,” says the AMA.  “Furthermore, anyone who violates aviation regulations or endangers public safety must be held accountable for their actions. We urge the FAA to take strong enforcement action against this drone pilot, and against any future violators. We continue to believe education and increased enforcement are effective ways to protect our nation’s airspace.”

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