Drones take Art to the Sky

3DR just released a video that shows various artists, mostly using large scale formats such as murals to show their art. In this case, the company was using a 3DR Solo drone for their aerial photography.

It’s not an application that has received as much play as some of the larger drone applications, such as media for movies or TV, but it seems show promise and illustrates another way that drones open up new opportunities that didn’t exist before. As an example, one artist speaks of the alternative being a 40 foot boom to show a mural. This type of fixed, land based application is both prohibitively expensive and limited. Fortunately, drones offer a new way to share their art.

It seems clear that Drones will help to show large scale art, from the details of the great cathedrals, murals, or great artistic landmarks, in a way that was not possible before.

We’d hope to see more of this interesting use for drones around. Enjoy.

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