Video of the Day 7/15/15: A Tornado by Drone

A couple weeks ago, we discussed why you shouldn’t fly your drone through a fireworks display. Shockingly, the best reasoning we could come up with for why you shouldn’t fly your drone through a fireworks display was drones aren’t built to withstand close proximity explosions of fire and gas.

The reason you shouldn’t fly your drone through a fireworks display is the same reason you wouldn’t fly your drone through the shoot out at the O.K. Corral: Sure, it might look cool, but one direct hit and your flight is over.

Unshockingly, people did it anyway but no reports of drones taken down by fireworks have made the news yet.

But YouTube user Justin Watkins these drone daredevils and discovered a desperately more devious design to nearly destroy his drone…

By using it to film a tornado:

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