Video of the Day 6/10/15: Grand Canyon Oasis by Drone

I don’t know what’s more amazing; this video, or the fact that this place exists in the first place. Either way, this video will make you want to abandon your cubicle and go on vacation.

The video was shot with a DJI Phantom 2 at Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon by YouTube user ZacksKerryRig.

Now, the astute reader will recognize the fact that flying a drone in a National Park is a violation of very specific rules laid out by the National Parks Service and the FAA. After incidents last year involving drones at both Yellowstone and Zion National Park, drones were officially banned from all National Parks. If you get caught flying in a National Park, you could get banned from the park, fined, or even tased.

You can understand why the NPS would want to protect our National Parks from drones; especially hidden gems like Havasu Falls. But then, without videos like this, would you have even known this place existed?

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