The Double-Edged Sword of Drone Technology

from Activist Post

When we think of drones, we think of remote controlled or semi-autonomous death machines, eyes in the sky, and a future where a despotic global regime can torment us from unreachable heights. But what if alongside their drones, we flew ours? A balance of power allows the cutting edge of drone technology to slice the other way – and in our favor.

As the NSA builds an omnipresent surveillance network across the planet’s surface – tracking each and every one of us, ranking us autonomously into various threat categories with the “most dangerous” brought to the attention of human operators – fleets of drones can endlessly circle overhead with the ability to strike us down at any moment. Such a society is technically already here.

While drones are not killing Americans on American soil, they are killing Americans on foreign soil under just such a premise. While the justification today is “terrorism” and the “villains” easily hated by most Americans and their deaths just as easily “shrugged off,” this can and already is being incrementally changed.

The centralized nature of telecom and the current monopoly the state holds over drone technology ensures that this nightmare only gets darker.

The prospect of unmanned drones circling beyond eyesight and earshot and capable of striking at any moment, any target, anywhere on Earth should terrify those who understand that this ability, if monopolized, will be – and already is – abused. Automated extra judicial executions from above make for a truly terrifying technological tyranny – and because of the legal and even intuitively ambiguous shadows drones currently operate in, those dying under drones today are ignored, forgotten, or dismissed. It is likely that the incremental expansion of drone executions will strive to maintain this perception in as many “untargeted” minds as possible for as long as possible. Activists seeking to raise awareness of this inevitable threat fight a fruitless battle as much against public ignorance and apathy as against the abuse of drone technology itself.

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