Drone Vs. Car Wash, Soccer Ball and More

We have drones walking dogs, drones being shot down by Keegan Bradley’s nine iron, drones used to catch sunfish …. and now we have Drone Vs. Anything!  Fast Company, the progressive business media company which “inspire readers to think beyond the traditional boundaries” is promoting a series of videos capturing competition between a drone and anything. The first five anythings:

Drone Vs. Baseball Bat
Drone Vs. Boxer
Drone Vs. Jenga
Drone Vs. Car Wash
Drone Vs. Soccer Ball

Here’s a couple ideas for Fast Company and their drone series: Drone vs. The Oldest Man Alive, Drone vs. Chainsaw, Drone vs Donald Trump….

In the mean time, you can get watch more videos of drones being subject to various stress tests (fire, bullets, etc.) at Game of Drones.

Have an A1 day!

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